Monday 10 June 2019

Decisions, decisions...

We always have to make decisions, so what is this about?

We decided to leave home, our home of 30 years.

The view from the home we left behind.

People often talk about the "empty nest syndrome" when their children grow up, leave home and go on with their "adulting". What about when the parents do that and their children are left behind?

Packing up and leaving not only our home, our family and our home country was a huge decision we made and has opened up a host of new adventures for us.

In June 2018 we arrived in England and received our Biometric Residence Permits on a beautiful Summer Solstice day in London.

Our lives had changed significantly, and a new chapter was about to begin.

Totsiens, Scarborough, South Africa!


  1. Well, what a massive life-change. Very brave. What was your home country?

    1. South Africa - the bottom / top of the world, depending on your perspective! :)

  2. I have the same decision to make to be with my wife in America.

    1. A difficult decision indeed, but there's always the option to travel back for visits. As we tend to do.

  3. Same question from me. Where did you move from?
    Also, "Biometric Residence Permits" sounds very sci-fi. Are you robots? :)

    1. A Biometric Residence Permit is a card issued by the UK government which allows non-UK citizens to live in the UK. A robot in South Africa, where I come from, is called a traffic light in the UK! :D

  4. This is more than a change of lifestyle, a new adventure in an ever changing country, I look forward to reading your observations.
